My Life - Lisa Tarbox
"You call it madness, but I call it love." - Don Byas
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
New Goal... Get Healthy!
So, my new goal is to eat better and get into shape. This will inevitably help me to lose weight, but I really want to just feel like I can do strenuous things and not kill myself doing them! I am hoping that by posting this in a public forum, I will make myself more accountable to this new goal and keep it up. This picture here is the highest I have ever been and it really depressed me to see these pictures (which my friend Leah took for us, and they look awesome, as a whole!) Thanks to myfitnesspal and logging my intake and exercise, I am currently down to 221 lbs, as of today, and hopefully will not lose momentum. I will post some milestones as they come. Here we go!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A little backtracking....

Dad, Bill and I went out four-wheeling on Friday, in Elberta, and had a great time. Followed up with dinner at The Family Tree. Can we say amazing scones?! One scone was huge! The food was good but not the same as we remember from before. We hear there was some kind of owner change or something. Anyway, it was a good day and a good start to a fairly good weekend.
Saturday, we all spent most of the day cleaning the house and yard getting ready for our Memorial Day BBQ. It's always great to have a clean(er) house. Huge thanks to Kacie for cleaning my bathroom. She is such a sweetheart and a great sister. Then it was off to marathon Wal-mart shopping to get everything for the BBQ. Thankfully it wasn't very crowded. Guess everyone got out of dodge on Friday!

Monday, being the holiday, we invited lots of family over for a big BBQ. 16 people in total. My niece had a great time jumping on the trampoline while I was prepping dinner, but it almost gave Nana a heartattack.... silly Nana. The food was great. Again, thanks to Kacie for helping me with setup and making the salads. As usual, I totally overdid the amount of food, and we have been eating leftovers for three days now, but it was worth it.
All in all, a fairly good weekend. So, I guess I only hate Mother's Day... lol.
On another note, we now have two new (to us) project cars at our house:
Dad's.... 1954 Buick Roadmaster

and Bill's.... 1972 Cuda
We are all excited to get started on the Cuda, the parts have been coming in the mail for months now. All we are doing now is that I am saving up to start the body work. We have more parts than are shown in this picture, but this was how it looked when we picked it up. 

We have decided that it will be painted House of Colore Lapis Blue, which I am toally excited about... I love blue cars.
So, that's our life right now. Later!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I Hate Holidays
So, I haven't written here for a very long time, but I just had a wave of feelings that I need to get out and share somehow.
I have come to the distinction that I hate holidays. Especially the last one and this next one coming up. Mother's Day was a bear and I tried to focus on the fact that it was my sister-in-law's birthday, but it was still a crappy day for me. We took flowers to the cemetery, but nothing seemed to make it right. For Memorial Day, we are trying to plan things to make it special, but I just had an overwelming feeling today that it is going to be a very rough weekend for me. I'm am glad that I have a day off work, but I'm not sure it is enough of a consolation prize for the heartache and emotional roller-coaster.
Now, I just might be overtired today, and whiney, so I'm sorry for anyone that actually chooses to read my blog. This was just helping me to stop the waterworks and put my feelings out there, kind of. It has been a rough year and at random times, the pain comes back and just hits me out of nowhere.
I miss my Mom so much. Life pretty much sucks whenever I remember that she isn't here anymore. There just aren't enough things to keep my mind and time occupied to forget that fact.
Thanks you anyone who reads this for letting me take a moment to vent and ramble a bit.
I have come to the distinction that I hate holidays. Especially the last one and this next one coming up. Mother's Day was a bear and I tried to focus on the fact that it was my sister-in-law's birthday, but it was still a crappy day for me. We took flowers to the cemetery, but nothing seemed to make it right. For Memorial Day, we are trying to plan things to make it special, but I just had an overwelming feeling today that it is going to be a very rough weekend for me. I'm am glad that I have a day off work, but I'm not sure it is enough of a consolation prize for the heartache and emotional roller-coaster.
Now, I just might be overtired today, and whiney, so I'm sorry for anyone that actually chooses to read my blog. This was just helping me to stop the waterworks and put my feelings out there, kind of. It has been a rough year and at random times, the pain comes back and just hits me out of nowhere.
I miss my Mom so much. Life pretty much sucks whenever I remember that she isn't here anymore. There just aren't enough things to keep my mind and time occupied to forget that fact.
Thanks you anyone who reads this for letting me take a moment to vent and ramble a bit.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Google Image Tag
Here's how it works: answer 15 questions about yourself and then do a Google Image Search for those things. Post the pictures you find by your answers.
My Current Employer: State of Utah, Office of Recovery Services

My Favorite Food: Potatoes... served any way... mashed with gravy is probably my favorite.

My Favorite Animal: Dogs, especially cute pugs, like mine!

Place I would Love Visit: Ireland

My Favorite Thing: Spending time doing things with my husband like playing Lord of the Rings Online together.

My Bad Habit: Popping/cracking my knuckles.
My First Job: Data Entry
Where I Attended College: Utah State University (had to find a snowy picture....)
My Current Employer: State of Utah, Office of Recovery Services

My Favorite Food: Potatoes... served any way... mashed with gravy is probably my favorite.

My Favorite Animal: Dogs, especially cute pugs, like mine!
My Favorite Color: Navy Blue - color at my wedding, Aggie blue... etc.

Where I Was Born: Payson, Utah

Where I Met My Spouse: Yahoo Personals... yes, we met online first.

My Last Name: Tarbox

My Age: 25

My Nickname: Frogger, my dad has called me this since I was little, but no relation to the game .

Place I would Love Visit: Ireland

My Favorite Place in Utah: LC Ranch - This is where we spent our Honeymoon and two of our three anniversaries since!

My Favorite Thing: Spending time doing things with my husband like playing Lord of the Rings Online together.

I would tag Kim, but with a new baby and all, that just wouldn't be right... so do this one if you read mine! (and please leave a comment, so I can read yours too...)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Alphabet Tag
Here's how you play... Donna (a friend from year's back) tagged me with the letter "N". So now I have to list 10 things I love that start with that letter. So here it goes…...
1. Neon - as in Dodge Neon, my first car. It was a great little car, until my sister killed it!
2. New York - this is where my husband is from and where I hope to get to visit some day.
3. Nightmare Before Christmas - One of our favorite movies from my childhood. Kind of creepy, but the music was great!
4. Night - I love the night, usually I have to sleep through it, but on the weekends we stay up late playing video games.
5. Notes - as in music notes. I love music! Listening to it, playing it.... it has been a big part of my life now and forever.
6. Nerds - I am a nerd... just ask my husband! I was always the brain in school and not one of the popular kid. My friend and I used to compete over who had the higher percentage "A" grade! Also, lets not forget the ever popular candy... one of my favorites to this day!
7. Nuts - my favorites are peanuts, cashews, and macadamias.
8. Nissan - this one is for my husband. He is a fan of all cars Nissan and we now own only Nissans in our family (see previous post).
9. Noodles - since I met my husband, we have had more pasta (noodles) then I had in my whole life before he came along. Spaghetti or Fetticine Alfredo are staples in our house.
10. (The) Notebook - one of my favorite books/movies of all time. The book was great, the movie was great. Sad, but great. Check it out if my haven't already!
I tag everyone who reads this. Take the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with your birthday.
(Donna changed this. You are supposed to tag 10 people each with a different letter after yours but this was more fun!)
1st - A 2nd - B 3rd - C 4th - D 5th - E 6th - F 7th - G 8th - H9th - I 10th - J 11th - K 12th - L 13th - M 14th - N 15th - O 16th - P17th - Q 18th - R 19th - S 20th - T 21st - U 22nd - V 23rd - W 24th - X25th - Y 26th - Z ..... 27th - A 28th - B 29th - C 30th - D 31st - E
(Also, please leave a comment here, so I know who is actually reading this and so I can read your tag!)
1. Neon - as in Dodge Neon, my first car. It was a great little car, until my sister killed it!
2. New York - this is where my husband is from and where I hope to get to visit some day.
3. Nightmare Before Christmas - One of our favorite movies from my childhood. Kind of creepy, but the music was great!
4. Night - I love the night, usually I have to sleep through it, but on the weekends we stay up late playing video games.
5. Notes - as in music notes. I love music! Listening to it, playing it.... it has been a big part of my life now and forever.
6. Nerds - I am a nerd... just ask my husband! I was always the brain in school and not one of the popular kid. My friend and I used to compete over who had the higher percentage "A" grade! Also, lets not forget the ever popular candy... one of my favorites to this day!
7. Nuts - my favorites are peanuts, cashews, and macadamias.
8. Nissan - this one is for my husband. He is a fan of all cars Nissan and we now own only Nissans in our family (see previous post).
9. Noodles - since I met my husband, we have had more pasta (noodles) then I had in my whole life before he came along. Spaghetti or Fetticine Alfredo are staples in our house.
10. (The) Notebook - one of my favorite books/movies of all time. The book was great, the movie was great. Sad, but great. Check it out if my haven't already!
I tag everyone who reads this. Take the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with your birthday.
(Donna changed this. You are supposed to tag 10 people each with a different letter after yours but this was more fun!)
1st - A 2nd - B 3rd - C 4th - D 5th - E 6th - F 7th - G 8th - H9th - I 10th - J 11th - K 12th - L 13th - M 14th - N 15th - O 16th - P17th - Q 18th - R 19th - S 20th - T 21st - U 22nd - V 23rd - W 24th - X25th - Y 26th - Z ..... 27th - A 28th - B 29th - C 30th - D 31st - E
(Also, please leave a comment here, so I know who is actually reading this and so I can read your tag!)
Monday, March 2, 2009
My New Car
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fourth Pic, Fourth Folder...
I was tagged to post the fourth picture in my fourth folder in my photos. Here's what I came up with:
A LOVELY picture of my own backside! This was taken at Yuba Lake in August 2006. Kacie and I were building sand castles while Bill and Kacie's boyfriend at the time dried off from wading out out in the lake to get to the boat.
This is an easy tag so I tag Kim, Leanne, Jody, Pam and Megan. (And anyone else that is out there that might actually be following my blog!)
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