This is an easy tag so I tag Kim, Leanne, Jody, Pam and Megan. (And anyone else that is out there that might actually be following my blog!)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fourth Pic, Fourth Folder...
I was tagged to post the fourth picture in my fourth folder in my photos. Here's what I came up with:
A LOVELY picture of my own backside! This was taken at Yuba Lake in August 2006. Kacie and I were building sand castles while Bill and Kacie's boyfriend at the time dried off from wading out out in the lake to get to the boat.
New Challenge
Well, the newest news in life is that Bill is diabetic.
His mom thought he might be a couple weekends ago and tested his blood sugar and is was at 353 that Sunday. He watched his carb intake for the next 24-hours and we tested it again and it had dropped to about 240, so we guessed he should be able to regulate it with diet and exercise.
We went to the doctor on Friday for some official tests and still don't have the results, but the doctor agreed that with levels like that he more than likely is, since his Mom is and his Grandpa was. Bill has been eating Low-Carb for a week now and keeps his levels around 120-150, which is so much better. The doctor said he wouldn't need any type of medication now, but would possibly need something later on in life.
Bill has been handling it well and learning what he can and can't eat. He was most excited to learn that he won't have to give up his favorite food in the world... cheeseburgers. Just has to lay off the fries. I have seen him eat more salad in the last week than in the last three years that I have known him! Since he has been good about it, I haven't had to worry too much, but of course only time will tell how things will go in the long run. Everyone would get sick of not eating all the sugary goodnesses this life has to offer if it was forever and not just short term! Of anyone has some good tips on low-carb foods, let me know!
His mom thought he might be a couple weekends ago and tested his blood sugar and is was at 353 that Sunday. He watched his carb intake for the next 24-hours and we tested it again and it had dropped to about 240, so we guessed he should be able to regulate it with diet and exercise.
We went to the doctor on Friday for some official tests and still don't have the results, but the doctor agreed that with levels like that he more than likely is, since his Mom is and his Grandpa was. Bill has been eating Low-Carb for a week now and keeps his levels around 120-150, which is so much better. The doctor said he wouldn't need any type of medication now, but would possibly need something later on in life.
Bill has been handling it well and learning what he can and can't eat. He was most excited to learn that he won't have to give up his favorite food in the world... cheeseburgers. Just has to lay off the fries. I have seen him eat more salad in the last week than in the last three years that I have known him! Since he has been good about it, I haven't had to worry too much, but of course only time will tell how things will go in the long run. Everyone would get sick of not eating all the sugary goodnesses this life has to offer if it was forever and not just short term! Of anyone has some good tips on low-carb foods, let me know!
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Bucket List Tag
The idea of this tag is to put an X on the things that I have done, and then answer some questions about myself. Here goes...
Swam in the ocean X
Gone to Washington DC
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school X
Watched someone die
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico X
Been to Florida
Been to a foreign country X
Been on a plane X
Been lost X
Been on the opposite side of the country
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers
Recently colored with crayons X
Sang Karaoke X
Paid for a meal with coins only X
Skipped out without paying for a meal
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? X
Made prank phone calls X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue X
Watched the northern lights dance
Danced in the rain X
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sunrise with someone
Watched the sunset with someone
Blown bubbles X
Can hula hoop X
Gone ice-skating X
Been skinny dipping outdoors
Gone to the movie's ALONE X
Gone to a horror movie and laughed through it
1. Any nicknames? Asil, Doll, Frogger...
2. Mother's name? Cindy
3. Favorite drink? Pineapple Juice
4. Body Piercing? Just my ears
5. How much do you like your job? It's good and bad, most days it is just okay.
6. Dad's name? Art
7. Favorite vacation? Staying at LC Ranch with my husband (and puppy)
8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes
9. Ever eaten mud? No, but we made mud pies.
10. Ever been on TV? Nope
11. Ever steal any traffic signs? Nope
12. Ever been in a car accident? Yep, I collided with a cop car in the high school parking lot.
(For some reason there was no number 13... how superstitious of someone....)
14. Can you drive a standard car? Yes
15. Favorite pie? Banana Cream
16. Favorite number? 7 (or 29 1/2 .6!)
17. Favorite movie? You've GotMail
18. Favorite dessert? Cherry Chip cake with Cherry icing
19. Book on CD or regular book? Regular book, I can never concentrate when listening to a book on CD!
20. Favorite food? Potato anything; mashed, soup, french fries... etc.
21. Favorite day of the week? Friday, since I don't have to work more than an hour or two from home!
22. Favorite brand of body wash? Dial - Whita Tea
23. Favorite toothpaste? Crest with Scope
24. Favorite smells? Fresh baked cookies, and good mens cologne
25. How do you relax? either watching tv, or reading
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? In a home of our own, other than that... I have no idea!
27. What is your favorite breed of dog? Pugs, Husky/Malamute, Akitas, and now French Bulldog/Pug mixes (since that is what we guess Miyah is)
28. Like to celebrate by going out or staying in? To celebrate, I like to go out, but just to dinner or something, nothing too big!
I tag Kim, Leanne, Emily and Cheronne
Swam in the ocean X
Gone to Washington DC
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school X
Watched someone die
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico X
Been to Florida
Been to a foreign country X
Been on a plane X
Been lost X
Been on the opposite side of the country
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played cops and robbers
Recently colored with crayons X
Sang Karaoke X
Paid for a meal with coins only X
Skipped out without paying for a meal
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? X
Made prank phone calls X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue X
Watched the northern lights dance
Danced in the rain X
Written a letter to Santa Claus X
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sunrise with someone
Watched the sunset with someone
Blown bubbles X
Can hula hoop X
Gone ice-skating X
Been skinny dipping outdoors
Gone to the movie's ALONE X
Gone to a horror movie and laughed through it
1. Any nicknames? Asil, Doll, Frogger...
2. Mother's name? Cindy
3. Favorite drink? Pineapple Juice
4. Body Piercing? Just my ears
5. How much do you like your job? It's good and bad, most days it is just okay.
6. Dad's name? Art
7. Favorite vacation? Staying at LC Ranch with my husband (and puppy)
8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes
9. Ever eaten mud? No, but we made mud pies.
10. Ever been on TV? Nope
11. Ever steal any traffic signs? Nope
12. Ever been in a car accident? Yep, I collided with a cop car in the high school parking lot.
(For some reason there was no number 13... how superstitious of someone....)
14. Can you drive a standard car? Yes
15. Favorite pie? Banana Cream
16. Favorite number? 7 (or 29 1/2 .6!)
17. Favorite movie? You've GotMail
18. Favorite dessert? Cherry Chip cake with Cherry icing
19. Book on CD or regular book? Regular book, I can never concentrate when listening to a book on CD!
20. Favorite food? Potato anything; mashed, soup, french fries... etc.
21. Favorite day of the week? Friday, since I don't have to work more than an hour or two from home!
22. Favorite brand of body wash? Dial - Whita Tea
23. Favorite toothpaste? Crest with Scope
24. Favorite smells? Fresh baked cookies, and good mens cologne
25. How do you relax? either watching tv, or reading
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? In a home of our own, other than that... I have no idea!
27. What is your favorite breed of dog? Pugs, Husky/Malamute, Akitas, and now French Bulldog/Pug mixes (since that is what we guess Miyah is)
28. Like to celebrate by going out or staying in? To celebrate, I like to go out, but just to dinner or something, nothing too big!
I tag Kim, Leanne, Emily and Cheronne
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